I made a resolution, and I have begun working on it.
For January I never really updated which games I got through, so I will just bundle them into this post.
We began by completing Day of the Tentacle – Remastered, a puzzle game. This was challenging for me, mostly because I haven’t been playing puzzle games for years, or barely at all. It was time to get into a new genre.
In the end of January I launched my Patreon, and at the $5+/month tiers you would get to help me choose what to play, a few different games were voted on, and we ended up with Edna & Harvey – the breakout, Lone Survivor, and Scribblenauts. And we actually played them all during February.
First, we played Scribblenauts, as a bit of comic relief. After the inauguration we all needed a break and something to laugh about. I wish the story was more prevalent throughout the game, but unfortunately it was mostly just in the beginning and while returning to the sister of Maximilian you don’t really get reminded of the story much. So, since I had already begun the game in an early stream (last spring), we all kinda missed that part of the story. The game was finished, at least the normal story bit, and there is still a lot of achievements to get, which I may return to in times of need.
Second, we began playing Edna & Harvey: the breakout. Which is another puzzle game. While playing through this one I did feel like I got more understanding of how puzzle games are laid out, and I could get through them a bit easier. Or Edna & Harvey is just easier towards the end, I did kinda feel like the puzzles towards the end of the game were a bit too simple and short, when they weren’t incredibly stupid and kinda incomplete. (Speaking of incomplete, if you play through the game in English you will encounter a bug at a semi-late point in the game, which can be fixed with this bug fix)
Last, we came to Lone Survivor, which is a beautiful, psychological, horror (?) game. we haven’t completed it yet, and one play session my boyfriend (LoaGames on Twitter) played instead of me. Unfortunately because I am not at full capacity yet, I will have days when I’m incredibly uncomfortable in my own skin and those are not good days to play scary games on.
All in all, we’ve had a good month and I’ve enjoyed playing through a few different games.
On the side, off stream, I’ve also been testing a Sole Survivor challenge for RimWorld, which is something I am considering making a stream-series off, maybe on “off days” when my energies are low. Just to keep consistent with streaming. We’ll see.
Anyways, 2 months almost done, and we’ve gotten through 3-4 games. It’s a good start. Going to be interesting to see how long the journey is going to be.
March is almost upon us, and it is time to vote for where we’re going next. I have a straw poll up which I will take results from tonight, and add to the final vote for my Patrons.